Picking Baby Names

The task of
picking your child’s name is quite daunting.
I have known people in my life that have had horribly tragic names. For example, Marsha Mellow, Harry Ball, etc…
I could go on but I just feel bad for them.
Especially since their parents fully knew what they were doing when they
picked their name. I myself, have been
known as Spermin’ Berman for the majority of my adult life. Not the worst thing in the world, considering
what I do for a living, however, for a girl in the 8th grade, not so
fun. Luckily I embrace my nickname and
it’s not my legal name ;) I had TONS of
boys names that I loved but those would all have to be put aside until the
prospect of baby #2 would happen. For
this one, we knew our task at hand. My
wife and I both loved the name Grace.
Before we even conceived, we both agreed that if it was a girl, that
would be her name. As you can imagine,
once you actually have a baby to name, there are soooo many other ideas and
options that come to mind. We had a
fairly narrow list but it was extremely hard to decide which one to go
with. Some people suggested that we wait
until we saw her in person because maybe the name we thought would fit would be
totally different upon seeing her face for the first time. We agreed that was a distinct possibility but
we at least wanted to narrow our list down to around 3 names so it wasn’t a
free for all when she was born and she ended up with a name like Marsha Mellow! After much thought and debate, we narrowed
our list down to the 3 front runners of, Grace, Isabella and Sophia. We had determined that no matter what, she
was going to have my wife’s last name as her middle name and our family name
would be my last name. So, that was
certainly something to factor in. Now
that we had our list down to 3, the waiting game was on. Only 6 or so more months of waiting to meet
our baby girl!
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